"When the choice for love is made, amazing things do happen, time and time again" Nantene and Malachor You've heard a lot about the transformative quality of love here already, including Nantene and Malachor's invitation to each of us to choose love in every situation and create a personal and …
Laundry and the Transformative Power of Love
I have a fun story to share this week about laundry and my personal lesson about the transformative power of love. John and I have been away from home for six weeks due to John's consulting work, and we've been staying at a hotel. One of the things I most appreciate about our hotel is the guest …
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The Epiphany of a Religious Persecutor
Hundreds of years ago, a religious persecutor had an epiphany that changed him from a murderer to a peaceful promoter of religious tolerance and freedom. His epiphany? He observed that miracles occurred in all religions. No longer could he justify his hatred and brutality. He was forced to …
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Spiritual Activism
You may have seen in the news that a Dutch church had been holding round-the-clock services for over three months to protect a refugee family from deportation. The church took advantage of an obscure law that prohibits police from disturbing a religious service. Happily, this week the Dutch …
Choose Love! A Personal and Global Movement
During our session this week, Nantene opened our discussion with the topic of love and its transformational quality. Nantene particularly highlighted what would happen for humanity, and our planet, if we humans started a personal and global "Choose Love" movement (as opposed to our current dominant …
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