"Like meditation, reading helps us expand our minds, connect more closely to ourselves, and gain understanding beyond our own experience. Both reading and meditation inspire new ideas, encourage creativity, and require active engagement. Without attentive, energized participation, books would be …
Nature is an energy healer. Go outside!
“Studies have shown that natural environments like beaches and waterfront parks offer more restorative benefits to people than gyms, entertainment venues and the built urban environment.” J. Aaron Hipp, PhD (Source) …
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The Life-Altering Power of a Positive Mind
I listened to a great Super Soul podcast with happiness expert Shawn Achor this week. You may have watched Shawn's famously funny TED Talk or read his book about his research on the transformative power of quick, daily positive habits. For example, one study with the National MS Society showed …
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I read this article about Transcendental Meditation - a "no-frills mantra-based meditation" - by Marisa Meltzer, The New York Times. Plus, I came across these two great quotes today: "Meditation is a powerful tool. If we were standing in your physical shoes, we would meditate on a regular basis …
Holy Spirit Meditation
I read Your 3 Best Super Powers by Sonia Choquette just over a month ago. It's stuffed full of different practices, but the one that intrigued me most was a meditation practice called Breathing in the Holy Spirit. I read years ago that the key to successful meditation is giving the mind a …
Do spiritual and energetic practices make any difference?
Ever wonder if your practices are making a difference? Should you keep going? Should you stop? If so, this is for you. I've told you about one of my practices, Reiki, and how my consistent practice created an upward spiral of positive results for me. And, on the flip side, how years later my …
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