“All human beings wish to experience and express more love. When this happens it is the most powerful force you know, and it is immediately recognizable.”
Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Great teachers who have walked the earth have told us this truth in one form or another throughout our history.
Now that same message, repeated in so many ways in the past, is once again making its way to the forefront of our consciousness.
After receiving a clear call to action by my spiritual teachers, Nantene and Malachor, to choose love, and to encourage others to do the same, I decided to shift the focus of my vibrational healing work and mind-body-spirit writing to focus on the power of love to heal and transform. Indeed, I was told that if more of us actively choose love – in every situation – the resulting transformation would be of global significance.
“We would like to suggest that if more humans choose love on a regular basis, even more humans will choose love on a regular basis. And most of you can barely conceive of what that would look like! Yet, we tell you it would look beautiful beyond imagining. Many, if not all, of your problems – apparent problems – would disappear, because you would solve them all, together. You would lift each other up as never before. So we suggest that you find the courage to choose love, over and over again. And allow others to see your choice and to serve as an example to help them make the same choice. That is a movement.”
You can read more about this movement below.