It turns out there is more to life than meets the eye.
I used to think that clairvoyance, or spiritual sight, was only for special people born with rare and unusual gifts. Since I wasn’t born with this unusual skill, I assumed that I was just one of the ungifted masses, with no hope of exciting spiritual adventures written about in ancient texts or New Age books.
My First Clairvoyant Experience
That was before I had a random clairvoyant experience one day.
I was attending a Reiki workshop in 2001 and we had finished the first of four attunements that would take place over the two-day class.
We were getting ready for our teacher to guide us through a meditation exercise. I was laying down on a blanket on the floor waiting to begin.
I was happy and feeling content. I had wanted to attend a Reiki training for years but could never afford the £80 fee. Actually, I couldn’t afford the £80 fee that day either, but I had begged the teacher to let me in if I paid her half up front and half the following month after payday. To her credit, and my good fortune, she agreed.
So I was laying on my blanket feeling so, so happy about having my Reiki dreams finally come true.
The Most Beautiful Colours I’d Ever Seen
The teacher was standing while we students lay comfortably on the floor. As she was about to talk, and as I looked at her awaiting instructions, all of a sudden I saw a band of dazzling colours appear at the side of her head, then slowly extend down the side of her body.
They were the most beautiful colours I had ever seen. It was as if she was surrounded by a rainbow, with a predominance of purples and blues, which extended about two to three feet from her body.
My mouth was hanging open and all I could do was stare and point, at a loss for words.
Of course, I knew what I was seeing. I had read about it in some ancient text or New Age book – you know, something that gifted people talked about – but never expected to see it with my own eyes.
I fumbled for some words and the only ones I found were, “I see it! I see it!” The teacher motioned for me to calm down – after all, we were getting ready for meditation time.
I fumbled for words again and finally managed to get out a shaky “a-a-a-aura!” After that, the colours faded and disappeared from my sight.
The First Time Was Beginner’s Luck. Then I Had To Practice
That first spiritual vision experience turned out to be a bit of beginner’s luck because it took a while for me to be able to see anything clairvoyantly again. However, it gave me hope that I could have some spiritual excitement after all and I set upon a personal quest to develop my spiritual sight.
If this is a subject that interests you, then I have some tips to share to help you to open up your spiritual vision, too. Ready?
Tip #1 – Raise Your Vibes
I had my first clairvoyant experience at a Reiki workshop, which is no coincidence. Any practice that raises your vibes – such as Reiki – clears and re-aligns our systems to a higher working order – including energetic systems like chakras, meridians and energy fields. It was this clearing and re-aligning that spontaneously opened my “third eye” chakra, which governs spiritual sight.
Tip #2 – Meditate
Yes, I know, you are sick of people telling you to meditate. You hate it. You think it’s boring. You think it sucks. You hate some more, and you wish Tip #2 had been something more exciting and less excruciating.
I used to be exactly the same. I resisted meditation with a passion and avoided it at all costs. I really don’t know why, because on the This Sucks Scale (with 10 being “this sucks big time”) it is really way down there.
However, I’ll grant you, that maybe in the beginning meditation might not feel like a relaxing bubble bath in the glow of candlelight with your favourite music playing gently in the background.
What I’m saying is, perhaps it is an acquired taste.
But if you are willing to acquire the taste for meditation you will do more for the development of your spiritual vision (and spiritual and intuitive development overall) than 10 years of reading books and attending classes. Sure, you may have random experiences here and there, but without meditation, random is pretty much all you’ll get.
In Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda tells the story of how his guru, Sri Yukteswar, was admonished by Babaji, his guru’s guru, for not being able to see him with waking eyes. He said: “Child, you must meditate more. Your gaze is not yet faultless – you could not see me hiding behind the sunlight.”
Tip #3 – Practice
I used to think that if you weren’t born with a particular talent or skill, or if you weren’t good at something right away, then there was no hope of ever getting better. If this sounds like you, this tip is the one you need to hear. Like any other skill, if you want to develop your spiritual sight then you’re going to have to practice – and you may have to practice for a while before you see (literally) any kind of results. Raise your vibes. Meditate. Repeat. That’s the best advice I’ve got.
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The Reiki Formula: The Practice That Changed My Life
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