Before I met my husband John, if you had asked me whether I believed in numerology I would have said no.
I really couldn’t see how the digits of my birth date – as it related to the man-made Gregorian calendar – could produce any worthwhile information that I would be interested in.
Nor could I see how assigning numbers to the letters of my name – as it related to a man-made alphabet – could be of benefit either.
The Energy and Vibration of Numbers
However, after I met John and he told me more of what he did in his study of numerology – and specifically how he studied the energy and vibration of numbers – my ears pricked up and he got my attention. I’m an energy girl after all, and although I work with energy in a different way than John, I was at least open to learning more about the energy of numbers – of my numbers.
So back when we were first dating, John produced my numerology chart – part of which you can see above – and sat me down to explain what my numbers told him about me.
To say I was shocked is an understatement! We had been dating for only a few months and lived on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean, so we hadn’t spent a lot of time together. I was a little guarded still and was careful to show John only what I was ready to show him. I put on my best “relationship mask” when we were together because I was insecure and thought I might scare him away if he knew the “real” me.
My Numerology Chart Showed Him My True Self
Well, on the evening we had our numerology session I knew that my mask wasn’t going to be effective because he could see me – the real me – plain and clear. It was unnerving in some ways, but also really cool.
Yes, he could see the things that I was hiding from him, and the challenges I’d been tripping over for years, but he could also see my essence, my spark, my unique manifestation of Spirit. No-one had really seen or acknowledged me like that before.
He saw that I was craving stability, but rebelled against it at the same time. He saw that I was a humanitarian at heart, but didn’t feel I had anything to offer my fellow humans. And he saw my “mask” – the one I wear when I want to appear like I’ve got my shit together when I really don’t. All this and more he saw in me – just from the energy of my numbers.
Yet, it wasn’t until John did a numerology chart for one of my friends, at her request, did I finally become convinced of this method of interpreting energy.
There were things in my chart that I thought would just show up for everyone. Yet my friend’s chart was completely different to mine (which is not surprising because we’re so very different from each other) and he was so spot on that he truly saw her. Even the stuff she didn’t want to acknowledge about herself, but that I had seen in her for years, like patterns of energy. It was amazing!
Related Articles:
What I Love About Numerology
The Story of Your Soul As Told Through Numbers
John can look at a person’s numbers and see their soul laid bare
I don’t really know how it works, I just know that it does. And I don’t really know how John can see people through numbers, but he does. I’m not a numbers gal, and never have been, but John can look at a person’s numbers and see their soul laid bare on the page.
John handcrafts each and every numerology chart he does. He sits down like an artist and draws each chart like it’s a unique masterpiece. Every now and then, when he is producing one of these charts, I sneak into his office to give him a kiss on the forehead while he is deep in concentration.
On these occasions, I sometimes catch a glimpse of a new chart being created and I am astounded by its beauty and uniqueness. No chart is exactly the same. They are like snowflakes. The numbers show up in a unique way for everyone and it tells John the story about their soul.
I hope you enjoy the energy of numbers as much as I have come to.
Order Your Soul Snapshot Numerology Chart & Session