“My most loyal and helpful friends are those of the spirit. As I wander through the dark, encountering difficulties, I am aware of encouraging voices that murmur from the spirit realm.” – Helen Keller
Each of us, without exception, have a team of guides and angels to assist us in our physical experience.
Are you doing life the hard way?
Typically, the vast majority of us are unaware of our team, or if we are aware, still play the game of life like it is a solo sport.
Too many of us fall into the Lone Wolf archetype, believing that we need to go it alone, do everything ourselves, or that asking for or receiving help is akin to cheating.
If you are being a Lone Wolf trying to succeed in life by yourself and doing your utmost to never ask for help, then I can guarantee you your life will be very hard. You are not taking the scenic route on your journey through the physical experience.
You have a team of guides and angels to help you
So let me go back to the beginning and say that each of us, without exception, have a team of guides and angels to assist us in our physical experience.
Now, whether you play the game with your team or not is up to you. Each of us is free to make our own choices and decisions.
However, if you are sick of the way things are going then I’d like to introduce you to your team.
When I first learned I had a team that I could call on to help me, I remember thinking, “Well, isn’t that cheating?” Just like you might be thinking too if you grew up in a similar culture to mine.
My life was hard
But my life was hard at the time and I needed help. I became a mother at 17, a wife at 19, didn’t go to college, worked in low paying jobs as the sole provider for my little family. I was chronically sick and no doctor could help me. I struggled to get through my days without tears and often wondered if I shouldn’t just step in front of a bus on my walk to work each morning.
I was doing life the hard way for sure.
But somehow a book on angels came into my life and things started to turn around. Even though I first thought it would be cheating if I asked for help, I asked anyway. I figured no-one would find out if I kept it secret, and besides, how would anyone be able to tell?!
When I started asking for help, I got it!
So I started asking for help, and sure enough, things began to happen.
At first, it was little things. Like when I had to travel off my little island to the big city for a training event for work. I asked my angels and guides to help me as a wandered the unfamiliar streets trying to find the place where my training was supposed to be, scared that I would be late and get into trouble. As soon as I asked, a taxi showed up and took me to my destination, on time, and without trouble.
Then I started to ask for help with other things, big things, like how to get out of an unhappy relationship, lose weight, get healthy, fall in love. Each time I asked there was a response.
Sometimes the response was in the form of a book recommendation from a friend that contained the exact information I needed.
Sometimes the response was in the form of a letter in the mail saying that I had won tickets to an event in London to see two of my favourite authors. I don’t remember entering that competition.
Sometimes the response was a thought in my head, like the time I was told to go study with a gifted healer in America and ended up marrying my soul-mate (a story I share in my book Where is my soul-mate?)
No matter what I asked my team to help me with, they responded, even if it took me a while to realize it.
How to Use the Team Formula in Your Own Life
If you are ready to give up your Lone Wolf ways and ask for help then here is what you need to get started:
- You – yes you – have a team of guides and angels ready and willing to assist you on your journey through the physical experience.
- All you need to do to receive their help is to ask. Help is freely given to all who ask.
- The way I started out was like this: “I call on my guides and angels. Please help me [fill in the blank].”
- I filled in the blank with just about everything you can imagine.
- Remember that responses come in a variety of different ways. Be on the lookout for book recommendations, course recommendations, teacher recommendations, guidance through your dreams, gentle urgings to let go of unhealthy habits, etc.
- It is my promise to you that each of us, without exception, has a team of guides and angels to assist us in our physical experience.
- The way to get that assistance is to ask.
Next up, two very special members of my team
In the next post I talk about two very special members of my team: Nantene and Malachor.
Well said, Pamela.
I would like to add to my previous comment by saying that the greatest learning for me has been that I am worthy. We all are.
It is without doubt that since I was guided to do my 1st Reiki course back in 2000, my life changed incredibly. That’s when I was 1st introduced to the Angelic realm. There were many topsy turvy times( I won’t deny) but without the help and guidance of my Guides ( whom I sometimes lost faith in) I cannot imagine where I am now. I must add that my biggest learning in gaining Faith in God Source whatever name you choose is that I learned to trust my own inner voice. After all we are all one and God is within each one of us, if only we allow ourselves to remember.